Thursday, August 13, 2015


Sign of the times: The major religions have forgotten about God-the Mother.

The Unique Supreme Being is strictly associated to a male principle. This is, I believe, at the root of many great problems of our era on matters of sex and relations between the genders.
The dismissing of the female-god principle is also responsible for the great evil of the catholic church: Celibacy of priesthood and the great evil of the muslim faith: The woman seen as a somewhat inferior being.

From an esoteric standpoint we have:
-God-He, the central active creative principle that wills the world into being.
-God-She, the matter, Mater, matrix, that forms the world into being according to the will of God-He.

Strangely, Goddess-the Mother of All, is hardly represented in any of the popular faiths. 
No-one seems to find it odd that God as a male principle somehow would manage to create something all by itself!
You and I know that it takes the interaction between the two genders to create a being, right?

I rest my case… 

Aug 13, 2015