Sunday, May 3, 2015

FOOL ON THE HILL: The Crucifixion and Death of Christ

This is an informal alternative take on the death of the 'Savior'. Just throwing out some ideas!

The purpose of Christ, incarnating on Earth was not to die 'for our sins' (eh??) but to share his wisdom for the benefit of mankind. 
This is probably what Jesus envisioned for himself. His mission on Earth was not to get hung on a cross between two low-range criminals. Mocked. Tortured. Ignored.
Ideally, he would have taught to whoever came his way. He would have become the Great Teacher of all mankind.

Mankind however did not pass the test: Not ready, yet to evolve! The coming of Christ, taken as a Holy Rod to measure mankind up against God's scale. Mankind being what it was at the time, Jesus got killed. He could not establish his benevolent rulership and kingdom over mankind. For the benefit of all. We just weren't ready! Not evolved enough to recognise the God-sent (literally) guide the Universe had granted upon us! Not wise enough to figure out what's what…Somewhat we freaked out. Humanity just could not bear his light, radiant as it must have been. Too much for our little earthian eyes! INRI. Abrupt ending.

Instead of being honoured, the saviour got killed!

Came the twisted (imho) notion of Jesus Christ having died to 'wash off' our sins…which sounds like a bizarre karmic concept if you think about it.
The lamb of God ended up getting slaughtered. What a waste of a prophet!

Is this to say that the torturing and killing of a holy prophet (pure and wise a being as can be), somewhat ended up being a peace offering to the Gods? 
An awkwardly counterclockwise spiritual concept, right? Kill your idols? wtf?

The cosmic event ended up turned upside down on its head: A Divine Teacher comes to Earth to establish the rightful kingdom of God on Earth- Bad luck, it don't work! People don't get it and his mission is cut short. Curtain. People go bow in front of his tortured body. May Your blood wash away our sins. wtf? Sounds more like a black magic sacrificial ritual if you ask me!

Typically, humanity should have incurred some serious penalty karma for not letting in the King-Saviour. No kidding!

Evidently, tunnel vision has transformed the senseless killing of a holy son of God, come to bring us the Good Word, into a sacred symbol to bow to at mass! 

I do not mention the resurrection. Well, sure enough the cosmic event had somewhat to be manifested. Jesus appears after his death. His sanctity shines through. He is finally recognised as a divine being. Late! Waste of a prophet! 

It is possible, however, seen on a more esoteric level that the physical shedding of his (holy) blood onto man's earth permitted the Holy light of God, the Christ spirit, to more fully permeate matter here on Earth. According to this alternative view, the shedding of his blood mixed adequately the holy fluids into the skin of mother Earth, acting as some kind of etheric connector thus benefitting all beings and distributing the light of God deeply into the earth's ground. This gives rise to the occult magical belief of the Holy Blood-shed to have been the true and secret mission of Jesus Christ.

Well. At least that's a positive point of view. Works for me! 

Jesus-Christ on a throne would have been nice though, right?


-- - Thank for reading!

Aleph Alpha, Montreal, March 2015